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NetSim StandardNetSim Pro

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RPL log file contains specific information related to RPL protocol, such as control message exchange with time stamps. Additional information related to ranks, parents, and siblings can be logged into it. For this information to be available in the RPL Logfile, you have to:

  1. Open the source codes by going to Open Simulation-> Workspace Options and click on the Open Code button. This will load the source codes in Visual Studio.
  2. Go to the RPL project in the solution explorer, expand, and double click on the RPL.h file.
  3. Uncomment the line #define DEBUG_RPL
  4. Ensure that you have set the build platform to x64/win32 based on the build of NetSim (64 or 32 bit) that you have installed.
  5. Right-click on the RPL project in the solution explorer and select rebuild.
After a successful build, upon running RPL simulations, you will be able to get rank and parent information in the rpl log file as shown below:

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