Admin Privileges are required for running certain functionalities in NetSim such as Emulation, and hence this is asked. However, most of the features in NetSim can be run without admin privileges. 

One workaround to do this is -

1. Right click on the NetSim shortcut in your desktop and select open file location. This will open NetSim's bin folder.


2. Now right click on NetSim.jar file and select send to -> Desktop (create shortcut).


3. Go to desktop and right click on the new NetSim - Shortcut file that is created in your desktop and select properties.


4. In the target text box, before the already existing path add the following:

 <path of 32/64 bit java's bin folder\java.exe> -jar 

Eg: After appending the java path the target text box will have contents similar to the following:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre8\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSim Standard\bin\NetSim.jar"


Path of java version used has to be compatible with NetSim. 

If NetSim is 32 bit then Java used should also be 32 bit.

In NetSim v10 Java is available in <NetSim_Install_Directory>/Jre folder.


This shortcut can be used to start NetSim instead of the default shortcut that gets created on the desktop after NetSim installation.

You will not be prompted to enter the Administrator password if you use this shortcut to open NetSim.

Note: The command window that opens along with NetSim should not be closed until NetSim is closed.

Other related articles: How to bypass Administrator credentials to run NetSim in a non-admin user account?