Access to the License Server Web Portal can be restricted using a username and password by using the following steps:
1. Create a file named inside the directory where rlm.exe is present (NetSim_License_Server directory). If this file exists in the directory with the rlm binary, then the RLM Web Interface will require users to log in before they can perform any actions.
2. The RLM password file has one line for each user, formatted as follows:
The username must not contain a ':' character. The password field can initially be left blank. The permissions are generally set to "all". An example is shown below:
3. Access the license server web portal from the browser using localhost:5054 in the same system or using <License_Server_IP>:5054 in other systems.
4. Now user will be prompted for username and password as shown below:
Now the user can enter the username and log in without supplying a password since the password field is left empty.
4. To set a password or to change it later select the "Change Password" menu item once logged in as that user.
Enter the new password and click on the "CHANGE PASSWORD" button to update it. The new password will get written to the file automatically. In the password field is an encrypted hash of the actual password (similar to the Unix password file).
5. After this whenever a new user attempts to access the web portal authentication (username and password) will be requested.
Note: It is recommended that you protect access to this file so that ordinary users can't write it. The RLM password file, as well as the directory which contains it,must be read-write to the rlm process.