Error Message shown in Visual Studio


  • C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\DTDMA\DTDMA.vcxproj : error  : The project file could not be loaded. Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\DTDMA\DTDMA.vcxproj'.  C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\DTDMA\DTDMA.vcxproj
  • C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\TDMA\TDMA.vcxproj : error  : The project file could not be loaded. Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\TDMA\TDMA.vcxproj'.  C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\TDMA\TDMA.vcxproj
  • C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\Firewall\Firewall.vcxproj : error  : The project file could not be loaded. Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\Firewall\Firewall.vcxproj'.  C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\Firewall\Firewall.vcxproj
  • C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\P2P\P2P.vcxproj : error  : The project file could not be loaded. Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\P2P\P2P.vcxproj'.  C:\Program Files\NetSim Standard\src\Simulation\P2P\P2P.vcxproj

This is because of a minor error when the project file was built in NetSim. If you are not going to modify the Firewall or P2P projects then just click OK and proceed. 

In order to run make modifications to P2P / Firewall code please see