Applicable Versions | NetSim Standard | NetSim Pro |
Applicable Releases | v11 | v12 | v13 |
This error will be displayed in the VANET.exe console which appears upon running VANET simulations, if the port number (8813) that is used for communication between NetSim and SUMO during runtime, is already in use.
To quickly check which application is using this port number:
1. Open Windows PowerShell (Press windows Key and search for Powershell).
2. Execute the following command in the PowerShell window to identify which process is using the port number 8813
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 8813).OwningProcess

In the above example, Iperf application was using port number 8813.
After identifying the application which is using this port, you can close that application, if it is permitted or try running NetSim simulation in another system where this port number is free.
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