Applicable VersionsNetSim Academic  NetSim Standard NetSim Pro  

Applicable Releasesv12 and above

The license administration portal can be accessed at 

Username and Password shared as part of the software shipment email can be used to login to the portal.

Access to licenses is controlled with an options file that is configured with the settings you want to use. The license administration portal can be accessed at

Username and Password shared as part of the software shipment email can be used to login to the portal.

The RLM Cloud Portal User Manual can be accessed from the About tab which contains more information on other tabs such as Logs, Profile, Reports, and Admin.

The Dashboard tab has various options related to licenses such as usage monitoring, statistics, Configuration, Options, and Reread as shown below:

The Usage Option will display information about the number of licenses that are currently in use and also allows viewing the information about the users who are accessing those licenses as shown below:

The Opts Option allows administrators to reserve, restrict, include, and exclude license access to users.

Reserve licenses

Reserve a specific number of licenses to ensure that product licenses are available when needed. (Reserved licenses aren't available to other users.) For example, you can reserve licenses for people working on a time-sensitive project. 

RESERVE [count] [productfeature] [type] [name]

The following examples reserve either one or five seats for a NetSim subscription license with multi-user access for a user, a computer, a group, and so on:

RESERVE 1 netsim_std_1 USER smithj
RESERVE 1 netsim_std_1 HOST computer1
RESERVE 5 netsim_std_1 GROUP EngineeringGroup
RESERVE 5 netsim_std_1 HOST_GROUP ResearchDept
RESERVE 1 netsim_std_1 INTERNET
RESERVE 5 netsim_std_1 INTERNET 192.168.0.*
RESERVE 5 netsim_std_1 PROJECT IoTProject

For Example,

Exclude license usage

Block access to specific licenses. All users, hosts, or IP addresses that aren't explicitly excluded have access to these licenses.

EXCLUDE [productfeature] [type] [name]

The following examples block access to a NetSim subscription license with multi-user access for a user, computer, group, and so on:

EXCLUDE netsim_std_1 USER smithj
EXCLUDE netsim_std_1 HOST computer1
EXCLUDE netsim_std_1 GROUP EngineeringGroup
EXCLUDE netsim_std_1 HOST_GROUP ResearchDept
EXCLUDE netsim_std_1 INTERNET 192.168.0.*
EXCLUDE netsim_std_1 PROJECT IoTProject

Note: EXCLUDE statements always supersede conflicting INCLUDE statements. If there is a conflict, the EXCLUDE statement takes precedence.

For Example,

Include license usage

Give access to specific licenses. This setting blocks all users, hosts, or IP addresses that aren't explicitly included. If you want to block only a few users, consider using EXCLUDE instead.

INCLUDE [productfeature] [type] [name]

The following examples give access to a NetSim subscription license with multi-user access for the specified user, computer, group, and so on:

INCLUDE netsim_std_1 USER smithj
INCLUDE netsim_std_1 HOST computer1
INCLUDE netsim_std_1 GROUP EngineeringGroup
INCLUDE netsim_std_1 HOST_GROUP ResearchDept
INCLUDE netsim_std_1 INTERNET 192.168.0.*
INCLUDE netsim_std_1 PROJECT IoTProject

Note: Because an EXCLUDE statement always takes precedence over a conflicting INCLUDE statement, best practice is to use only one of these statements in a single options file.

For Example,

After modifying the options file changes should be saved by clicking on the Save Options File button.

For the changes to take effect, the Reread button Dashboard tab should be clicked as shown below:

Note: The Portal User should have Admin Access to control license usage as explained above.


RLM Cloud Portal User Manual: Click here

RLM License Administration Manual: Click here