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In order to change the application that opens NetSim CSV logs such as the packet trace please follow the steps explained below (for Windows 10):

  1. Go to Start → Search and select Default Apps 
  2. Click on "Choose default apps by file type"

  3. Search .csv and change the default program to Excel
  4. Once it's changed, all NetSim Trace files and Exported result files will get opened in Excel automatically.
Saving those files to a location is an option in Excel, You can use the Save-As option and locate your local hard disk location. 

When you save an experiment after simulation, all output files including the trace files (if enabled) will be saved to the experiment location from where you can copy to your local drive. For this you can go to Your Work menu in the NetSim Home Screen window and right-click on any saved experiment and choose the 'Open Experiment Location' option as shown below: