Applicable VersionAll versions
Applicable ReleaseAll releases above v10
Applicable TechnologyMANETs, TDMA networks, WSN, and IoT

NetSim supports different types of node placement strategies namely, 

  • Uniform Placement (Places the devices uniformly)
  • Random Placement (Places the devices randomly)
  • File-Based Placement (Places the devices based on the file given as input) 

This article will help users to generate file-based placement file and use it in NetSim. The file can be either a text file or a  .csv file with following format:

Column 1: Device name. Example: Wireless Node

Column 2: Device Type. Available Types: WIRELESSNODE , SENSOR (WSN, IoT), SINKNODE (WSN, IoT)

Column 3: X Co-ordinate

Column 4: Y Co-ordinate

Device NameDevice Type (Available Types)X Co-ordinate
Y Co-ordinate
Ex: Laptop, NodeWIRESLESSNODE (MANETs, TDMA networks) 
Ex: 100
Ex: 100

A row, covering all columns, can be commented on using a '#'. This is useful for creating a row heading.

# DeviceName, DeviceType, X, Y
Node, WIRELESSNODE, 100, 100

Creating a .csv file using MS Excel: Users can open MS Excel, create column headings as explained above, then populate row 2 onwards, and when saving, choose .csv as the extension. 

Users can download a suitable template for generating scenarios.

Template Download Link
MANETs, TDMA Networks


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