Applicable VersionsNetSim StandardNetSim Pro

Applicable Releasesv13.3

The source codes for the NetSim Propagation Model libraries are proprietary and not publicly accessible. However, we have made the Thorp propagation source codes available and offered a customized workspace for accessing and editing the UWAN Thorp propagation codes.

Please follow the steps explained below:

1. Download the modified workspace using the following link:

2. Follow the instructions specified in the following link to download and set up the workspace in NetSim:

3. Open-source codes by going to Your Work -> Source Codes -> Open Code.

4. In the Aloha Source code project in the file explorer, you will now find a Thorp.c file which contains the source codes associated with the Thorp model. 

5. In the workspace it is assumed that in the GUI the user has set the Channel Characteristics to PATHLOSS_ONLY with the Path Loss Model set to Thorp and Spread Coefficient set to 2, in the Adhoc link properties. 

6. If you wish to modify the spread coefficient, note it can't be done through the GUI. It must be modified in the Thorp.c file by modifying the value of the #define SPREAD_COEFF at the beginning of the file. The Aloha source code project will have to be rebuilt if any modifications are done.

7. Call to the UWAN_propagation_calculate_thorpPathLoss() function is done from the UWAN_get_received_power() function present in the Aloha_Phy.c file.

8. You can develop your own channel models and, in a similar manner, invoke your function for pathloss calculations in place of the Thorp pathloss function.

Useful Links:

1.  UWAN Overview:

2.  UWAN Documentation: