Applicable Versions
NetSim Acad
NetSim StandardNetSim Pro

The information provided may vary between different versions of NetSim. Choose the appropriate section of this article, as per the version of NetSim you are using. For more information on NetSim visit:

Applicable Releasesv14.2

Week 1

Prerequisite: Knowledge of Computer networks 

  1. Install NetSim and familiarize oneself with how the GUI works by looking through 
    1. Section 3.1 from user manual - Menus in NetSim Homescreen
    2. Section 3.1.1 from user manual - Creating New Simulations
    3. Section 3.2 to 3.8 from user manual - Modeling and Simulation of a simple network
      1. Also, refer 
    4. Section 8 from user manual - Outputs: Results, Plots and Data Files
    5. Section 3.14 from user manual - NetSim Interactive Simulation
    6. Section 4 from user manual- Workspaces and Experiments 
  2. Experiment 4.1: Introduction to TCP connection management, Output in Wireshark
  3. Experiment 3.2: Working of ARP and IP forwarding in LAN
  4. Experiment 1.2: Understand the working of basic networking commands (Ping, Route Add/Delete/Print)
  5. Experiment 1.4: Plot the characteristic curve of throughput versus offered traffic for a Pure and Slotted ALOHA system (Reference: A good reference for this topic is Section 4.2.1: ALOHA, of the book, Computer Networking, 5th Edition by Tanenbaum and Wetherall)
  6. Experiment 5.3: How many downloads can a WiFi access point simultaneously handle

Week 2

  1. Experiment 3.1: The OSPF weight setting problem and the performance comparison of the OSPF vs. RIP 
  2. Experiment 9.1:  LTE Handover 
    1. Reference to understand Mobility model:3.6 section mobility model in NetSim from MANET technology library
  3. Experiment 6.4: Study the 802.15.4 SuperFrame Structure and analyze the effect of SuperFrame order on throughput
    1. Reference: IoT-WSN technology library:3.3. and 3.4 section
  4. Example - MANET - AODV Routing
  5. Example - VANET - Simple scenario

Week 3 (NetSim Standard/Pro version required)

Prerequisite: Knowledge of C programming

  1. Install visual studio Community Edition (or Higher), 2022 - 
  2. Complete the Hello World program (section 9.2.1 in the user manual and requires you to know section 9.1). 
  3. Print to Console:
  4. Printing SINR: Section 10.6.1 of NetSim User Manual
  5. SUMO Interfacing: Section 3.4 and 3.5 of VANET Technology Library Manual

Week 4 (NetSim Standard/Pro version required)

  1. Install MATLAB R2019 or higher
  2. MATLAB Interfacing: Section 10.3 of User Manual
  3. Creating a new packet and adding a new event in NetSim: Section 9.4 of the user manual
  4. Debugging your code - Section 9.3 of User Manual
  5. Example Projects 
    1. Dynamic-Clustering-in-WSN-with-MATLAB
    2. PEGASIS-protocol-in-WSN
    3. SOM-neural-network-Clustering-energy-optimization-WSN

WSN/IOT Focus: 2 weeks (NetSim Standard/Pro version required)

  1. Functional overview of MAC / PHY Layer – 802.15.4 - Section 3.3 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
  2. CSMA/CA Implementation in NetSim - Section 3.3.1 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
  3. Beacon Order and Super Framer Order - Section 3.3.2 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
  4. Featured Example - Section 4.2 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
    1. Beacon Time Analysis
    2. CAP Time Analysis
  5. Battery/Energy Model - Section 3.4 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
  6. Featured Example - Energy Model - Section 4.1.1 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
  7. Knowledge Base Articles - 
  8. Related Projects:
    1. Sinkhole attack in RPL IoT
    2. Intrusion-detection-system-in-LEACH
    3. LEACH-protocol-for-WSN
    4. Wireless-Energy-Harvesting-for-IOT

5G Focus: 2 Weeks (NetSim Standard/Pro version required)

1. Section 2 from 5G Technology library. Understanding about Simulation GUI section 2 in 5G technology library

2. Section 3.13 to 3.17  from 5G Technology library-Understanding about 5G Core NSA packet flow, LTE_NR results, plots and packet trace 

3. Section 3.20 to 3.26 from 5G technology library- Results and log files

4. Featured Examples- Section 4 in 5G technology library

  1. 4.2 Effect of distance on path loss for different  channel modes
  2. 4.3 Effect of UE distance on throughput in FR1 and FR2 
  3. 4.4 Impact of MAC Scheduling algorithms on throughput, in a Multi UE scenario 
  4. 4.9 Impact of distance on throughput for n261 band
  5. 4.12 Impact of UE movement on Throughput

5.  4.13 study 5G Handover procedure- Experiment number 28 from  Experiment manual

  1. Part i-5G Handover Procedure
  2. Part ii- Part-II: Throughput and delay variation during handover 

6. Knowledge base articles -


7. 5G UAV related projects 

VANET Focus: 2 Weeks (NetSim Standard/Pro version required)

  1. Section 2 from  VANET technology library - Simulation GUI
  2.  Troubleshooting VANET simulations that interface with SUMO -Section 12.6 from from the User manual
  3. Section 3 to 3.6 from VANET Technology library-
    1. Understanding of implementation of 802.11p in Netsim

    2. DSRC Channel

    3. BSM Application

    4. NetSim -Sumo Interfacing

  4. How to create VANET using NetSim -Section 3.5 from the VANET Technology library
  5. How to include the Roadside unit (RSU) in VANET?-Section 3.6 from VANET Technology library
  6. Featured Examples- Section 4 from VANET Technology library
        1. Simple Scenario
        2. Vehicle and RSU
        3. Sumo Interfacing Vehicles moving in a closed-loop
  7. Knowledge base articles-
  8. Use of TraCI APIs to interface with SUMO -

Applicable Releasesv13.0

Week 1

Prerequisite: Knowledge of Computer networks 

  1. Install NetSim and familiarize oneself with how the GUI works by looking through 
    1. Section 3.1 from user manual - Menus in NetSim Homescreen
    2. Section 3.1.1 from user manual - Creating New Simulations
    3. Section 3.2 to 3.2.7 from user manual - Modeling and Simulation of a simple network
      1. Also, refer 
    4. Section  3.3 from user manual- Saving & Opening experiments and Printing results
    5. Section  8 from user manual - Outputs: Results, Plots and Data Files
    6. Section 3.4 from user manual - NetSim Interactive Simulation
    7. Section 4 from user manual- Workspaces and Experiments 
  2. Experiment 7: Introduction to TCP connection management, Output in Wireshark
  3. Experiment 5: Working of ARP and IP forwarding in LAN
  4. Experiment 26: Understand the working of basic networking commands (Ping, Route Add/Delete/Print)
  5. Experiment 15: Plot the characteristic curve of throughput versus offered traffic for a Pure and Slotted ALOHA system (Reference: A good reference for this topic is Section 4.2.1: ALOHA, of the book, Computer Networking, 5th Edition by Tanenbaum and Wetherall)
  6. Experiment 12: How many downloads can a WiFi access point simultaneously handle

Week 2

  1. Experiment 16: Study the working and routing table formation of Interior routing protocols, i.e. Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) 
  2. Experiment 28:  Simulation and study of 5G Handover procedure 
    1. Reference  to understand 5G Core: 5G Technology library  - 3.13 section
    2. Reference to understand Mobility model:3.6 section mobility model in NetSim from MANET technology library
  3. Experiment 24: Study the 802.15.4 SuperFrame Structure and analyze the effect of SuperFrame order on throughput
    1. Reference: IoT-WSN technology library:3.3. and 3.4 section
  4. Example - MANET - AODV Routing
  5. Example - VANET - Simple scenario
  6. Example - VLAN - Advanced routing - Inter VLAN & Intra VLAN
    1. Reference-Advanced Routing and switching- section 3

Week 3 (NetSim Standard/Pro version required)

Prerequisite: Knowledge of C programming

  1. Install visual studio Community Edition (or Higher), 2019 
  2. Complete the Hello World program (section 9.2.1 in the user manual and requires you to know section 9.1). 
  3. Print to Console:
  4. Printing SINR: Section 10.6.1 of NetSim User Manual
  5. SUMO Interfacing: Section 3.4 and 3.5 of VANET Technology Library Manual

Week 4 (NetSim Standard/Pro version required)

  1. Install MATLAB R2015 or higher
  2. MATLAB Interfacing: Section 10.2 of User Manual
  3. Creating a new packet and adding a new event in NetSim: Section 9.4 of the user manual
  4. Debugging your code - Section 9.3 of User Manual
  5. Example Projects 
    1. Dynamic-Clustering-in-WSN-with-MATLAB
    2. PEGASIS-protocol-in-WSN
    3. SOM-neural-network-Clustering-energy-optimization-WSN

WSN/IOT Focus: 2 weeks (NetSim Standard/Pro version required)

  1. Functional overview of MAC / PHY Layer – 802.15.4 - Section 3.3 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
  2. CSMA/CA Implementation in NetSim - Section 3.3.1 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
  3. Beacon Order and Super Framer Order - Section 3.3.2 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
  4. Featured Example - Section 4.2 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
    1. Beacon Time Analysis
    2. CAP Time Analysis
  5. Battery/Energy Model - Section 3.4 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
  6. Featured Example - Energy Model - Section 4.1.1 of IOT-WSN Technology Library
  7. Knowledge Base Articles - 
  8. Intrusion-detection-system-in-LEACH
  9. LEACH-protocol-for-WSN
  10. Localization-in-WSN
  11. Wireless-Energy-Harvesting-for-IOT

5G Focus: 2 Weeks (NetSim Standard/Pro version required)

1. Section 2 from 5G Technology library. Understanding about Simulation GUI section 2 in 5G technology library

2. Section 3.13 to 3.17  from 5G Technology library-Understanding about 5G Core NSA packet flow, LTE_NR results, plots and packet trace 

3. Section 3.18 from 5G technology library- Enable detailed log file in 5G NR

4. Featured Examples- Section 4 in 5G technology library

  1. 4.2 Effect of distance on path loss for different  channel modes
  2. 4.3 Effect of UE distance on throughput in FR1 and FR2 
  3. 4.4 Impact of MAC Scheduling algorithms on throughput, in a Multi UE scenario 
  4. 4.9 5G-Peak-Throughput 
  5. 4.12 Impact of UE movement on Throughput

5.  Simulate and study 5G Handover procedure- Experiment number 28 from  Experiment manual

  1. Part i-5G Handover Procedure
  2. Part ii- Part-II: Throughput and delay variation during handover 

6. Knowledge base articles -


7. Logging and Plotting of path loss, beamforming gains, SNR, CQI, using the instruments 5G MIMO Beamforming workspace -

8. Input path loss file from MATLAB -

9. 5G UAV related projects 

VANET Focus: 2 Weeks (NetSim Standard/Pro version required)

  1. Section 2 from  VANET technology library - Simulation GUI
  2.  Troubleshooting VANET simulations that interface with SUMO -Section 12.7  from the User manual
  3. Section 3 to 3.6 from VANET Technology library-
    1. Understanding of implementation of 802.11p in Netsim

    2. DSRC Channel

    3. BSM Application

    4. NetSim -Sumo Interfacing

  4. How to create VANET using NetSim -Section 3.5 from the VANET Technology library
  5. How to include the Roadside unit (RSU) in VANET?-Section 3.6 from VANET Technology library
  6. Featured Examples- Section 4 from VANET Technology library
        1. Simple Scenario
        2. Vehicle and RSU
        3. Sumo Interfacing Vehicles moving in a closed-loop
  7. Knowledge base articles-
  8. Use of TraCI APIs to interface with SUMO -